Public Speaking

It’s Not Just What You Say, It’s How You Say It


We all use “credibility detectors” when listening to someone talk to us.  These sensors in the brain are activated by tone of voice and body language, not words.  They give us important information about the speaker’s sincerity, integrity, and emotional intelligence.  Some people equate this to the “gut-level hunch” we often sense.  When kids listen to adults speak, they listen to the “strength” of the message for cues about whether or not the adult means what he or she is saying.

Do you “say it like you mean it”?  Women often are not taken seriously for one of three reasons.  First, her voice may be too quiet, making her sound unsure and non-authoritative.  Second, she is too high-pitched, making her sound like a little girl or a cheerleader.  Or third, she puts more inflection at the end of a sentence, making her sound […]

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Tips to prepare yourself for selling by phone

smartphone-431230_1280Prepare for your call by making sure your style of communication (the HOW) matches your message.  To start off with a warm, friendly message:

  1. Think of a key word which represents the tone of voice you wish to create (warm, friendly), such as “tender”, “calm”, “sunshine”, “cozy”.  Repeat that one key word to yourself several times with emphasis until you feel it.
  2. Picture the mental image.  Visualize hugging a child or your spouse, wrapping up in a blanket by the fireplace, walking along the beach in the bright sun.  Make the picture clear and vivid.
  3. Change the sound of your voice by changing your body tone and placement.
  • For a warm, friendly voice you must first relax. Inhale, then exhale slowly.
  • Look into the mirror and smile.
  • Talk expressively with energy.
  • Move.  Make your movements BIG and FLUID.

Eliminating Throat Clearing


Throat clearing is one of the most traumatic things you can do to your vocal folds. When you clear your throat, you create an extreme amount of movement of your vocal folds, causing them to slam and rub together.  Sometimes people do not even know that they are clearing their throats; it has become a habit.  Often they say that they feel something in their throat, like phlegm or mucus.  The majority of the time; however, when you clear your throat, there is simply nothing there.  One thing you have accomplished is to create more vocal fold trauma.


We […]

Good Business Cent$


10.   Attracting and hiring qualified and desirable employees.
9.     Employees are managed effectively and motivated which increases productivity.
8.     Job tasks are readily understood and properly executed reducing the margin of error.
7.     Information is well organized and disseminated correctly, facilitating meeting deadlines.
6.     Interactions with vendors are consistent, which enhances purchasing power.
5.     Staff longevity is increased due to greater loyalty to the employer.
4.     Perception of the company is strengthened which helps to promote future growth and development, leading to increased revenue.
3.     Internal customer satisfaction is enhanced which increases quality assurance.
2.     External customer satisfaction is increased helping to retain existing customer base.
1.     Satisfied external customers readily support your company which encourages new customers and leads to increased […]

Capitalize on Social Opportunities

In a crowded room you should see a bubble over each person’s head that reads “OPPORTUNITY!” in big bold letters.

What is Stuttering?

Stuttering is a communication disorder that affects the rhythm or “fluency” of speech. It begins during childhood and, in some cases, persists throughout llife. The disorder is characterized by disruptions (or “dysfluencies”) in the production of speech sounds. Most speakers produce brief dysfluencies in speech from time to time. For instance, some words are repeated and others are preceded by interjections such as “um.”   Dysfluencies are not necessarily problematic; however, they can impede communication when a speaker produces too many of them or they are drawn out and lengthy.

Many of us find we’re out of breath or anxious when speaking in front of an audience.  Speakers who stutter exhibit excessive physical tension in the throat, mouth, and jaw and may appear to be unable to recover from the tension when talking. At times, the forward flow […]

Sound Like You Mean It On the Phone

Modern_Smart_PhoneRemember: when selling by phone, 84% of the message is conveyed by the quality of the voice and the intelligibility of the speech.  Pitch, tone, inflection, and pronunciation matter!

The customer uses “Credibility Detectors”.  These sensors in the brain are activated by tone of voice and body language; not words.  They give us important information about the speaker’s sincerity, integrity, and emotional intelligence (EQ).  Some people equate this to the “gut-level hunch” we often sense.

HOW you say your message makes all the difference.  And there is an art to this.  Before you head off to that next big call, think about the feeling you want to leave with your customer; the emotion you want to share.  For example, consider that you might want to start with a warm, friendly message and follow up with a confident, powerful, or influential message.

Each feeling you want to […]

Say It Like You Mean It – And Be Remembered!

How is your 60 second introduction?  Are you using words and phrases that will connect you with the people you are meeting with everyday?

For example if you are an IT professional, what are you saying that will help the people you are networking with and meeting with understand exactly who you are and what you do?

Does your introduction sound like this?
“Hello, my name is David, and I work for XYZ IT Solutions, and I am a developer.”

That introduction is not very memorable, is it?  Why don’t you try something like this:
“Hello my name is David, and I take the headache out of managing companies websites, so they can focus what they do best!”

Or what if you are a financial planner?  What is it that you say that will help the people you are meeting understand your business?   How about:
“Hello, I am work with […]

Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

By guest blogger, Scott Emmett.  Scott is a client of Accent On Business.

I don’t think I’m going to like this, I said to myself. I was having one of my early sessions with Ellen Dunnigan, my newly acquired speech coach. We were just the two of us in a room and she wanted me to give a speech that was going to push me out of my comfort zone. I did not like this one bit. No sir, not one bit. Told her so and further informed her that I was not ready for this. She just sat there and stared at me. Did not have any choice but to suck it up and get on with it. It was not one of my better experiences but, at the end of the day, I got past what proved to be one of the larger […]

Sharpen Your Skills Before Your Next Interview!

interview-861513-mIf you’ve been considering a career change, or know someone interviewing, take time to consider a few additional items critical to the success of your interview, namely your style of presentation and your communication skills.  Being mentally prepared for the interview is very important. Presenting yourself as an effective communicator qualification in great demand by employers.

Here are a few tips for before and during the interview process:

  1. Exercise.  A short workout the morning of your interview will get your blood and breathing going and will help you present yourself with energy and vitality.
  2. Breathe.  Take slow, deep diaphramatic breaths before the interview.  This will help you center yourself, reduce stress, and keep your voice steady and confident.  Your abdomen should extend outward upon inhalation and deflate upon exhalation.  Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  3. Be positive and enthusiastic.  Speak with a positive […]
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