
Sharpen Your Skills Before Your Next Interview!

interview-861513-mIf you’ve been considering a career change, or know someone interviewing, take time to consider a few additional items critical to the success of your interview, namely your style of presentation and your communication skills.  Being mentally prepared for the interview is very important. Presenting yourself as an effective communicator qualification in great demand by employers.

Here are a few tips for before and during the interview process:

  1. Exercise.  A short workout the morning of your interview will get your blood and breathing going and will help you present yourself with energy and vitality.
  2. Breathe.  Take slow, deep diaphramatic breaths before the interview.  This will help you center yourself, reduce stress, and keep your voice steady and confident.  Your abdomen should extend outward upon inhalation and deflate upon exhalation.  Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  3. Be positive and enthusiastic.  Speak with a positive […]

Tips for Creating Professional Video Blogs

Watched a few local business video blogs last week.  Certainly the blogs allow for the dissemination of information and quick messaging to staff and to customers.  The words we heard were all good messages.  You and I both know, though, that communication follows the “93/7 Rule”.  7% of what is communicated comes from the words chosen.  A full 93% comes from the image left behind from body language, nonverbals, facial expressions, and inflection (tone of voice).  In our office, we’ve certainly seen the need to provide more seminars on how to create impressive videos. We had a video wall from GSEAV installed and everyone loves it. Watch for details; however, here are a few thoughts which may guide your next videos.

  • “Shakey Cam” may be good for personal videos to friends and family, especially if you and they are young(ish).  Not so much for business.  Seriously, think […]
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