Professional Communication

Crush your TEDTalk with these 10 essential tips

One of our clients, Natalie Schneider, recently gave a TEDTalk about Innovation — going from zero to one.

Natalie is an amazing client, and this TEDTalk is the result of three sessions to craft the story and five grueling practice sessions. She practiced on her own about 24 times in between our last two sessions.  Our last session was a dress rehearsal the day before the event, which was the first time she learned she had to stay on that little red carpet on a very large stage. She spoke before a 400-person audience, in which sat only 4 friends. The rest were complete strangers.

After completing this talk, we collaborated to create this article on 10 essential tips to crush your TEDTalk.

1. On the stage of the TEDTalk is a red dot. You’ve probably seen it as part of their branding. The red dot does […]

Martech Podcast Interview — Executive Presence & Why It’s Important

Ever wonder why some people get promoted over others despite the same level of work, preparation, or intelligence?

The reason often lies in something we call “executive presence.” It’s what helps you stand out in a crowded field of other top performers, and it accounts for more than 25% of what it takes to be promoted into leadership positions or get that next prime assignment.

Our Director of Public Speaking and Professional Presence, Alexandra Rufatto-Perry, was featured on the Martech interview series to speak about executive presence and why it’s important for marketing professionals. Alexandra and her CEO, Ellen Dunnigan, work as professional communications coaches with executives in a variety of industries to help them say what it is that they need or want to say, while looking and feeling their confident and influential best.

Want to find out more about executive presence and why […]

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Stories Add Spark

Recently we met with a new client, an insurance and benefits broker, who does important and serious work in lowering the cost of insurance by helping companies establish wellness programs. The broker needed to describe their unique selling proposition such that the target customer would want to switch insurance brokers. They were keen on telling target customers that the company would pay less for their insurance plans if the company’s employees were healthier as a group.

Not Your Average Piece of Toast!

toastThe number one question I’m asked when I’m discussing my role as a speech and communications advisor for Accent On Business is this;
“Oh! You are just like Toastmasters aren’t you?”


No, we’re not just like Toastmasters.  I don’t have anything negative to say about the organization, they provide opportunities to practice giving speeches in public and that’s a good thing!  However, we are so much more.

The next question inevitably is “But you teach public speaking right?”

That’s correct! Let me tell you what makes us different and uniquely qualified to assist you with what you need.  Our experts are nationally certified speech language pathologists, professors of story and rhetoric, veterans of communication in corporations, and scientists in mind and heart.  We’re focused on the expectations of the audience and the professional presence of the speaker. We’re concerned about the speaker’s well-being and […]

13 Tips for Hosting Perfect Panels

So you’re going to moderate a panel, congratulations! Your job is easy, right? Just show up and read the questions and smile a lot, right? Hold on, not so fast, the success of this event rests squarely on your shoulders.

Changing What Your Customers Think of You

Recently, the CEO of an IT company approached one of his disgruntled customers with a simple message: “I know you’re unhappy with our customer service over the past few months. I imagine you’ve developed some rather negative beliefs about us and I’m here to find out exactly what those beliefs are, so we can change them.” After the surprised customer delivered a detailed description of her beliefs and the experiences that had created them, the CEO surprised her again by saying, “These are not beliefs we want you to hold, so we’re going to create a whole new set of experiences for you—experiences that will lead to brand new beliefs about us.” The audience was a little befuddled at the kind of customer engagement the CEO was executing.

For the next several minutes the CEO discussed the protocols of Prosyn, a cyber security firm that he knew intimately, he spoke […]

5 Big Deal Selling Tips

five image croppedThink back to the last time you had to make a big purchase, for example a new car. There were some obvious factors to consider such as price, quality, safety, and gas mileage and then you decided which minivan or Ferrari made you feel the best.

Then you paid attention to the salesperson. Which one did you like the best and trust the most?

Whether you’re selling a new product or your business is trying to promote a new service, the quality of the product is a given. It’s not just about the actual product anymore. It’s often about how “trustable” and likable you are. This speaks to your professional presence and public speaking skills.

People are more likely to buy a product from someone who is likeable and someone who demonstrated that down the road, when something does go wrong, it will […]

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