Make Over Your Voice

Good Business Cent$


10.   Attracting and hiring qualified and desirable employees.
9.     Employees are managed effectively and motivated which increases productivity.
8.     Job tasks are readily understood and properly executed reducing the margin of error.
7.     Information is well organized and disseminated correctly, facilitating meeting deadlines.
6.     Interactions with vendors are consistent, which enhances purchasing power.
5.     Staff longevity is increased due to greater loyalty to the employer.
4.     Perception of the company is strengthened which helps to promote future growth and development, leading to increased revenue.
3.     Internal customer satisfaction is enhanced which increases quality assurance.
2.     External customer satisfaction is increased helping to retain existing customer base.
1.     Satisfied external customers readily support your company which encourages new customers and leads to increased […]

Sound Like You Mean It On the Phone

Modern_Smart_PhoneRemember: when selling by phone, 84% of the message is conveyed by the quality of the voice and the intelligibility of the speech.  Pitch, tone, inflection, and pronunciation matter!

The customer uses “Credibility Detectors”.  These sensors in the brain are activated by tone of voice and body language; not words.  They give us important information about the speaker’s sincerity, integrity, and emotional intelligence (EQ).  Some people equate this to the “gut-level hunch” we often sense.

HOW you say your message makes all the difference.  And there is an art to this.  Before you head off to that next big call, think about the feeling you want to leave with your customer; the emotion you want to share.  For example, consider that you might want to start with a warm, friendly message and follow up with a confident, powerful, or influential message.

Each feeling you want to […]

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