
Eliminating Throat Clearing


Throat clearing is one of the most traumatic things you can do to your vocal folds. When you clear your throat, you create an extreme amount of movement of your vocal folds, causing them to slam and rub together.  Sometimes people do not even know that they are clearing their throats; it has become a habit.  Often they say that they feel something in their throat, like phlegm or mucus.  The majority of the time; however, when you clear your throat, there is simply nothing there.  One thing you have accomplished is to create more vocal fold trauma.


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Good Business Cent$


10.   Attracting and hiring qualified and desirable employees.
9.     Employees are managed effectively and motivated which increases productivity.
8.     Job tasks are readily understood and properly executed reducing the margin of error.
7.     Information is well organized and disseminated correctly, facilitating meeting deadlines.
6.     Interactions with vendors are consistent, which enhances purchasing power.
5.     Staff longevity is increased due to greater loyalty to the employer.
4.     Perception of the company is strengthened which helps to promote future growth and development, leading to increased revenue.
3.     Internal customer satisfaction is enhanced which increases quality assurance.
2.     External customer satisfaction is increased helping to retain existing customer base.
1.     Satisfied external customers readily support your company which encourages new customers and leads to increased […]

Capitalize on Social Opportunities

In a crowded room you should see a bubble over each person’s head that reads “OPPORTUNITY!” in big bold letters.

Listening is a Sign of Respect

listening-157386_1280Think of your last conversation.  If you remember what you said more clearly than what you heard, you probably need to work on your listening skills.

Listening is a sign of respect.  It shows that you value what the speaker has to say.  If you take the time to listen to someone, take the time to listen properly.  Set aside what you are doing so you can focus on the speaker, showing them that they are important to you.  This will encourage the speaker to crystallize his message instead of giving you a shortened and vague version.  If you continue to focus on your work, you may miss key gestures or facial expressions that may indicate the speaker’s true feelings differ from his words.

It’s not always easy to focus on what a speaker is trying to say, especially if he has distracting idiosyncrasies.  […]

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