how to be memorable

Capitalize on Social Opportunities

In a crowded room you should see a bubble over each person’s head that reads “OPPORTUNITY!” in big bold letters.

Say It Like You Mean It – And Be Remembered!

How is your 60 second introduction?  Are you using words and phrases that will connect you with the people you are meeting with everyday?

For example if you are an IT professional, what are you saying that will help the people you are networking with and meeting with understand exactly who you are and what you do?

Does your introduction sound like this?
“Hello, my name is David, and I work for XYZ IT Solutions, and I am a developer.”

That introduction is not very memorable, is it?  Why don’t you try something like this:
“Hello my name is David, and I take the headache out of managing companies websites, so they can focus what they do best!”

Or what if you are a financial planner?  What is it that you say that will help the people you are meeting understand your business?   How about:
“Hello, I am work with […]

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