
Good Business Cent$


10.   Attracting and hiring qualified and desirable employees.
9.     Employees are managed effectively and motivated which increases productivity.
8.     Job tasks are readily understood and properly executed reducing the margin of error.
7.     Information is well organized and disseminated correctly, facilitating meeting deadlines.
6.     Interactions with vendors are consistent, which enhances purchasing power.
5.     Staff longevity is increased due to greater loyalty to the employer.
4.     Perception of the company is strengthened which helps to promote future growth and development, leading to increased revenue.
3.     Internal customer satisfaction is enhanced which increases quality assurance.
2.     External customer satisfaction is increased helping to retain existing customer base.
1.     Satisfied external customers readily support your company which encourages new customers and leads to increased […]

How Much Do Poor Communication Skills Really Cost?




  1. Inability to attract qualified job applicants.
  2. Poor hiring decisions.
  3. Miscommunication of key information resulting in either rework or errors.
  4. Staff burnout due to low morale and lack of motivation.
  5. Reduced staff retention and subsequent increased staff turnover.
  6. Inability to meet critical deadlines.
  7. Costly purchasing errors with vendors.
  8. Damage to company image and loss of revenue.
  9. Frustration among internal customers which leads to downtime.
  10. Misperceptions and frustrations among external customers which equates to dissatisfied customers.

As you can deduce from the preceding top ten risks, ineffective communication is generally not limited to one or two situations or a few employees. Rather it can start out on a small scale and if left unattended, can have a spiraling effect across departments. This can manifest itself in a pervasive company problem, which often leads to finger pointing […]

2022-04-22T08:33:40-04:00By |Categories: Professional Communication|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on How Much Do Poor Communication Skills Really Cost?

Tips for Creating Professional Video Blogs

Watched a few local business video blogs last week.  Certainly the blogs allow for the dissemination of information and quick messaging to staff and to customers.  The words we heard were all good messages.  You and I both know, though, that communication follows the “93/7 Rule”.  7% of what is communicated comes from the words chosen.  A full 93% comes from the image left behind from body language, nonverbals, facial expressions, and inflection (tone of voice).  In our office, we’ve certainly seen the need to provide more seminars on how to create impressive videos. We had a video wall from GSEAV installed and everyone loves it. Watch for details; however, here are a few thoughts which may guide your next videos.

  • “Shakey Cam” may be good for personal videos to friends and family, especially if you and they are young(ish).  Not so much for business.  Seriously, think […]
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