Can A Smile Change Your Day?

fun-20008_1280CJ McClanahan, President of Reachmore Strategies is our guest blogger today.  To learn more about Reachmore Strategies please check out their website:

Can a smile really change your entire day?

 I would argue that for many (if not most) of us the answer is yes!  Consider what is going on in the workplace today.  Much of our communication is being reduced to email, instant messages, texts and now even “tweets”.

As a direct result, we have less and less meaningful face to face communication with actual human beings. So, when we do (even if you aren’t a social person) we crave the personal interaction.  In addition, we tend to pay attention to less of what we hear out of their mouths as what we see in their appearance and expressions.

Consider the following scenario…

You have a 5 minute meeting with your […]

Capitalize on Social Opportunities

In a crowded room you should see a bubble over each person’s head that reads “OPPORTUNITY!” in big bold letters.

Sound Like You Mean It On the Phone

Modern_Smart_PhoneRemember: when selling by phone, 84% of the message is conveyed by the quality of the voice and the intelligibility of the speech.  Pitch, tone, inflection, and pronunciation matter!

The customer uses “Credibility Detectors”.  These sensors in the brain are activated by tone of voice and body language; not words.  They give us important information about the speaker’s sincerity, integrity, and emotional intelligence (EQ).  Some people equate this to the “gut-level hunch” we often sense.

HOW you say your message makes all the difference.  And there is an art to this.  Before you head off to that next big call, think about the feeling you want to leave with your customer; the emotion you want to share.  For example, consider that you might want to start with a warm, friendly message and follow up with a confident, powerful, or influential message.

Each feeling you want to […]

Tips for Creating Professional Video Blogs

Watched a few local business video blogs last week.  Certainly the blogs allow for the dissemination of information and quick messaging to staff and to customers.  The words we heard were all good messages.  You and I both know, though, that communication follows the “93/7 Rule”.  7% of what is communicated comes from the words chosen.  A full 93% comes from the image left behind from body language, nonverbals, facial expressions, and inflection (tone of voice).  In our office, we’ve certainly seen the need to provide more seminars on how to create impressive videos. We had a video wall from GSEAV installed and everyone loves it. Watch for details; however, here are a few thoughts which may guide your next videos.

  • “Shakey Cam” may be good for personal videos to friends and family, especially if you and they are young(ish).  Not so much for business.  Seriously, think […]
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