
Crush your TEDTalk with these 10 essential tips

One of our clients, Natalie Schneider, recently gave a TEDTalk about Innovation — going from zero to one.

Natalie is an amazing client, and this TEDTalk is the result of three sessions to craft the story and five grueling practice sessions. She practiced on her own about 24 times in between our last two sessions.  Our last session was a dress rehearsal the day before the event, which was the first time she learned she had to stay on that little red carpet on a very large stage. She spoke before a 400-person audience, in which sat only 4 friends. The rest were complete strangers.

After completing this talk, we collaborated to create this article on 10 essential tips to crush your TEDTalk.

1. On the stage of the TEDTalk is a red dot. You’ve probably seen it as part of their branding. The red dot does […]

Tips for Creating Professional Video Blogs

Watched a few local business video blogs last week.  Certainly the blogs allow for the dissemination of information and quick messaging to staff and to customers.  The words we heard were all good messages.  You and I both know, though, that communication follows the “93/7 Rule”.  7% of what is communicated comes from the words chosen.  A full 93% comes from the image left behind from body language, nonverbals, facial expressions, and inflection (tone of voice).  In our office, we’ve certainly seen the need to provide more seminars on how to create impressive videos. We had a video wall from GSEAV installed and everyone loves it. Watch for details; however, here are a few thoughts which may guide your next videos.

  • “Shakey Cam” may be good for personal videos to friends and family, especially if you and they are young(ish).  Not so much for business.  Seriously, think […]
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