Leadership Presence

Show Respect, Trust, and Approachability – Lessen the Discomfort of Difficult Conversations

Can you recall your last really good conversation? I mean the type of conversation in which you and your communication partner truly shared the engagement. Perhaps you believed the same things, agreed on specific issues, laughed at the same points, and were both astonished by the same topics. You both really seemed to enjoy each others company.

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No Apology Necessary!

“Ladies and gentlemen, I must apologize up front if my speech seems unprepared or disjointed. I have been traveling abroad most of this month and have had little time to plan for this speech. None the less, I hope you will find some nuggets of gold in my disjointed thoughts.”

See Yourself as You Want Others to See You

Earlier this week, one of my public speaking clients mentioned to me that she would like to work on her “presence” before the audience as well as her actual presentation. I probed a bit deeper, asking her to describe exactly what it was she wanted to project; how was it that she wanted others to see her?

Power Pose

Body language affects how others see us, and it may also affect how we see ourselves. Social psyhcologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power pose” — standing in a posture of confidence for 2 minutes — can raise testosterone levels (your hormone that generates confidence), and lower cortisol levels (your stress hormone), and positively impact our performance and success.

Confidence: “Perfect Practice Makes Perfect”

Business PeopleImagine yourself standing in front of a room full of people. You’ve been asked to speak on something you know very well. You’ve got this…but maybe you are little nervous.  Here are some ways to turn those nerves into confidence as you prepare for this moment.

1. Know the Room

In preparing for your presentation, if you aren’t bringing your own audio visual equipment, be sure to confirm and reconfirm that you will have everything you need. Access to the internet? Sound? A hand held clicker? Arrive early to confirm you have everything you need and that everything works. What is your backup plan if for some reason you do not have everything you need? Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the room. Where will the audience be seated? Find the best lighting when looking up at the stage […]

What our clients are saying about us

Occasionally, I have a client ask for the chance to write about how we’ve helped him or her with their business communication skills.  This week, Curt Gosman from Now Courier shares his thoughts…

“I had been working with a client for about a month, providing nearly daily cost analysis of their in-house delivery vs contracting with us, when suddenly communication from them stopped and I became concerned.  After a couple of long weeks, I inquired and found there had been a personnel change, which of course would mean starting over from scratch.  Not sure what to do, I consulted with Ellen Dunnigan, my business communication advisor, who gave me the confidence and advice to contact the CFO.  Reluctantly, I called and was directed to a decision maker who was only slightly aware of their total company logistics need — yet at that very moment, was having a specific and pressing need […]

Attributes of a Great Leader

There have been many great leaders across the ages. This begs the question, what did they have in common? What about them made them such a good leader? Here is our answer:

Hit the Floor and Give Me 20! – Is Business Coaching Right For You?

Coaching's three most common uses include leadership development, remedial performance improvement, and optimizing strong contributors. Most coaches meet with executives in person or by phone, either every other week or once a month for about a year, though they increasingly are available for emergency consults.

What separates a good speech from a great speech?

A good speech has a clear, relevant message supported by facts. A great speech has a clear, relevant message supported by stories that make the topic being discussed more interesting and more memorable.

The goal of every speech is to be memorable and informative. People are inundated with messages and speeches in some shape or form on a daily basis. How can you help make your message stick? One of the simplest ways to make a speech memorable is to tell a story that serves as a real-life example of your message. A relevant, well-told anecdote engages audience members in a way that PowerPoint presentations or statistical data can’t. When an audience is engaged, they are more likely to retain the information being presented. If the story is interesting enough they may even relay it to someone else, spreading your message even further. People […]

Creating Powerful Impressions Everyday

As a business professional, your day is filled with interactions ranging from short telephone calls to important conversations with colleagues, sales presentations, and the occasional formal speech.

Each interaction, even the simplest conversation, presents an opportunity to make an impression and have an impact on others. What type of impression are you leaving? How effective are your communication skills?  As you either thumb through your daily planner or scan through your palm pilot, review your recent interactions.  Did any of the following issues arise?

  • You were asked to speak up or repeat yourself
  • Your message was misunderstood
  • You couldn’t get the full attention of your audience
  • You didn’t get the results or reactions you had anticipated
  • You didn’t make the sale or close the transaction

These phenomena are quite common in the course of the typical business day. What causes these missed opportunities?  Usually the […]

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